Blog Archive

Monday, January 14, 2013

Days 11-14 of 365

Yes, I know, I am behind AGAIN!!!  I'm still working on that whole giving myself a break thing so this is probably not a bad thing. goes!
Day 11- Quote in my own handwriting.

I have this notebook with all kinds of stuff in it.  I have teaching ideas, our 3 words of the day list, poster ideas, and lots and lots of quotes/verses.  It is just a place to hold my thinking about stuff until I can do something with it.  This is just one page of verses/quotes that inspire me!  I hope they will inspire you too.

Day 12- Trees
So I cheated a little on this one as I took the picture on 12/26.  However I couldn't resist sharing it.  I love the way the sunshine is shining on the wet tree limbs.  It totally reminds me of the trees after an ice storm.  Of course, on this particular day it was like 60 degrees...far, far from a ice storm...thank goodness!

Day 13- Self-portrait of an educator
I'm still working on this one...sadly, my inner critic is too strong right now for me to do this one.  What can I say, I'm a work in progress.  How can I be so very confident in certain areas and so very not in others?!?!?  Anyway, I haven't forgotten this one, just postponed it for now.

Day 14- Technology in action
So this one is a screen shot from our school's webpage.  It is one of my students being interviewed about using Google Docs.  I am telling you that my kiddos are in LOVE!  They have worked so hard on their projects.  They love that I can write them notes about their projects and it's like we're texting back and forth!  I love that it makes conferencing with students a breeze!  My documentation is right there!  I can't wait to do our next project on Google Docs!

So that's it for now.  Be sure to come back tomorrow, Wednesday, soon for my next 365 project pictures!


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