Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1 of 365

So I joined a picture a day group with Krissy at Venspired Learning.  Today is all about New Year, New Goals.  Here's my pic: 
Obviously, one of my goals this year is to move more!  I'm a some-of-the-time gym rat.  I go through phases for sure.  This year I want to be a true gym rat, where I let NOTHING interfere with my gym time.  So that's goal #1 for this year. 
Here are all of my goals for 2013.  I made it into a mini poster so I can post it everywhere...on my fridge, by my desk at school, in the office...everywhere to keep my focus on my goals so they don't become forgotten like every year. 
Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! We all need goals to strive toward!! The new year is so exhilarating and i just want that energy and gumption to do we do that?
