Blog Archive

Monday, May 3, 2010


So, I must be the most accident prone person on the face of the planet!!!!  In June of 2009, I broke my left wrist doing step aerobics and had to have surgery to correct it.  After several months of rehab and a ruined summer, it finally got back to normal in the fall...just in time for school to start!  FAIL!
Then in December 2009, I was putting border up in my classroom on a teacher work day and the desk that I was using as part of a scaffolding tipped!  As a result, I stepped down and my right knee blew out!!!  Seriously?!?!?!?!?  This was followed by several months of waiting for work comp to approve a specialist, an MRI, and finally surgery.  The diagnosis: a torn ACL and torn meniscus!  EPIC FAIL!!!  I had surgery to reconstruct the ACL and cut out the torn meniscus on April 1, 2010...I know, something about me having surgery on April Fool's Day seemed strangely appropriate.  Today I go back to the doctor to see if I can get off the brace (that I'm supposed to wear, but haven't since the third week) and the crutches (which I do use more often than I'd really like, but I have to at least follow some of the rules).  We'll see what the next few hours bring!

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